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Project information

The development of a network reference model for the Spanish Electric Power System

J. Peco A. Sánchez C. Mateo J. Alonso J. Cimadevila J. Rivier R. Meléndez R. Palacios T. Gómez

June 2004 - December 2005

Funding entity Unesa, ASEME, CIDE, APYDE

The goals of this project are to develop a Network Reference Model and to give professional advice in its usage, in order to collaborate with the Spanish Regulatory Commission's task of developing a procedure to remunerate the Spanish electric distribution utilities.

The Spanish Regulatory Commission (CNE) has constituted a task force comprised of the CNE itself, the Ministry of Economics and all the Spanish electric utilities. This task force is in charge of proposing the technical specifications of the new Network Reference Model that will then be revised by the CNE who will pass the definitive technical specifications.

The Network Reference Model will be based on the PECO model, nevertheless several changes will be made in order to comply with the aforementioned specifications.

The patent rights of the PECO model will remain with the Pontificia Comillas University, but the Spanish Electric Power System will own the patent rights of the new developed model.

The Network Reference Model will plan the whole Spanish distribution network under 220 kV, which supply approximately 21 million of customers. Both the demand and the geographical features of Spain (such as: street maps, orography, sea coast, forest...) should be modelled as accurately as possible in order to use the networks obtained by the model as a benchmark of actual networks.